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Learn MoreLightcast Insider
Expert, objective, and data-driven answers to your most pressing questions.
Fast, customized, and actionable insights

Are you crunched for time and need an expert opinion?
Our analysts can step in and provide the data and insight you need to make the best decisions possible with a library of on-demand reports, dashboards, and data.
Why Lightcast Insider?

Skills and experience that you don’t have or can’t spare

Objective answers—not just the data

Wider breadth of topics and deeper analysis

Opportunities to build relationships with our experts

Delivery in 10 business days for most reports
How Insider Works:
Let our experts know your issue, question, or problem.
Buy credits for speedy data delivery (these credits do not have to be tied to an existing or recurring contract).
Save time and money by letting Lightcast experts achieve flexible solutions for you.
Answer critical questions about these topics and more with Lightcast Insider:
Lightcast Insider can be delivered in these four ways:

We provide the data if you prefer to dive in on your own. Our global datasets, data on graduating talent, and data about emerging tech jobs are just a few examples of the comprehensive datasets we can provide. Receive specifically what you need from Lightcast, quickly.

Need help understanding the data? Lightcast can help by providing dashboards that include the dataset plus a visualization. This is an interactive and digestible way to communicate the data, making it shareable across your organization to enhance collaboration and promote informed decision making.

Meet with a Lightcast labor market expert face-to-face and receive the guidance you need. Whether it’s help with project management, API integration, or advice on workforce development like career pathways for internal mobility, our experts are ready to assist.

A comprehensive solution that includes data, visualization, and time with an expert. These reports are tailored to specific use cases and achieve comprehensive answers to your questions. You receive objective, data-driven solutions with a presentation delivered by a Lightcast analyst.